A Blessing For All Dogs - having lost our first beloved corgi at the age of 14 we were devastated and know how difficult it can be to lose a much loved friend. This is a blessing recognising their love and companionship.
Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity Bless our lives in unimagined ways. What is a blessing if not an unimagined gift, something new, vibrant, alive, special, bringing hope, comfort, joy, strength: a renewing of the day by means of an unexpected moment of goodness that can lift and  transfigure your life, change perception, bring new clarity, help to see a different view, give strength of purpose, shine light in a dark tunnel, receive an unexpected present, accept a kind word rightly timed, be touched by a miracle of healing, find a saving from distress, gain help in the bearing of intractable pain.
Blessings lift your heart, they lift your spirits, they make you feel good, they rise above forgiveness, for you can bless everybody, including people who have hurt you and it  changes the energy of everything. There are so many things you can bless so that the whole energy of your environment and where you are and wider than that, the whole world, can be blessed and that energy is real.
Can you hear me Lord? A prayer for help with struggles - a symphony to uplift and strengthen
Johnny’s prayer - to free my wife  of all pain; I wrote this with tears in my eyes.
Oh Heart of Love, oh Mighty Trinity Bless our lives in unimagined ways. ‘ let us not limit our requests for blessings…’ What is a blessing if not an unimagined gift, something new, vibrant, alive, special, bringing hope, comfort, joy, strength: a renewing of the day by means of an unexpected moment of goodness that can lift and transfigure your life, change perception, bring new clarity, help to see a different view, give strength of purpose, shine light in a dark tunnel, receive an unexpected present, accept a kind word rightly timed, be touched by a miracle of healing, find a saving from distress, gain help in the bearing of intractable pain. A blessing has myriad forms and is perfect for the receiver, each individual has their own special need and we can trust that any blessing given by God will be just right for that person, in that moment, in that way. For such is the intimacy of relationship with God and such the span of love and awareness of the Holy Three, that each blessing will be perfect for the one in need. Therefore let us not limit our requests for blessings for ourselves or others, but rely on the absolute Knowledge of the Heart of Love to bless us again and again, in perfect and absolute abundance! Amen